Taylor Crockett


Hi, I'm Taylor! My pronouns are she / her, and I’m the lead designer here at Baraka. Originally I was an illustrator from New England who happened to be a hobbyist rock-hound and jewelry lover. My Grams raised me with an appreciation and love of jewelry and gemstones by sharing her personal collection with me over the years. I’ve since been in the jewelry industry for over 10 years, first starting as an apprentice wax carver & bench jeweler. I’ve been lucky to work and train in a variety of wonderful small custom jewelry shops in and around Seattle. I love the history and personal stories associated with antique pieces and get such a kick out of seeing what people bring our doors!  In school I originally studied biology, so my passion for the environment also informs my creative process. I am thankful to be a part of the Baraka team and a mission that creates beauty in the world in more ways than one.